Sunday, August 2, 2020

Why Go Organic?

A Peanut is not a nut, it is a bean, a member of the legume family including beans, peas and clovers.  An English Horn is not a horn nor is it English.  It is French and a Woodwind.   A Horned Toad is not a toad, nor is it an amphibian.  It is a lizard and a reptile.    Love is not a Feeling, it is an Act of the Will.  The Sex Act is not an act, it is a Progression.  Going Organic is a bit like sex.  My journey into Organics has been a Progression.

One year, long ago, I had no energy.  I’d walk the dog in mid afternoon and return so tired I’d have to take a nap.  After supper with my family, I’d go to my evening shift at work and drag my knuckles around all night.  

At work we had a clerk, a driver that would take me to the different spots at the work site and wait for me while I performed a certain task and then I’d get back in the van and he’d drive me to the next place.  But he was rather tuned out and was rarely parked close to me when I’d completed my chore, so I wound up having to walk a small distance each time to get back in the van.  I was miffed and pooped.

In my early adult years, I enjoyed donating blood to the Red Cross.  However, my hemoglobin was always a bit on the low side and to test that they’d have to get a second drop of blood to slide down the little cylinder full of transparent blue liquid and the drop would very slowly sink to the bottom or even stall half way down. Not heavy enough – not enough iron?  Eventually I decided to keep my light hemoglobin for myself.

With that in mind I thought my fatigue was due to my low blood count.  So I religiously ate Raisin Bran (a good source of iron in the raisins) and I also ate liver.  But I was still pooped.  This went on for months.

Finally, one day I skipped the Raisin Bran.  That evening I had more energy!  That was strange.  I bought Organic raisins and added them to just regular Bran Flakes.  All was well!  It turned out the pesticide residues from the raisins were killing my energy (and the California farm workers).  It was about that time that we Progressed over to Organic peanut butter as well – peanuts were another one of the ‘dirtier’ foods.

A couple of years later I was low energy again.  For several months.  This time it was the decaffeinated tea I was drinking a lot of.  I guess the dry-cleaning fluid they were using to wash the caffeine from the tea didn’t all return to the vat.  

Several years ago, I had an issue with a strange pain in my bladder.  It was gone in mid-summer but came back in the winter.  This went on for a couple of years.  I was almost ready to see my doctor when we figured out what it was.  In the winter we had access to cheap bell peppers grown in our local British Columbia hot houses.  In the summer we ate our own home-grown peppers.  No bladder pains then.  But if I ate store-bought ones in raw strips or in salads, the ache came. (cooked peppers seemed to be okay).  Probably pesticide residues in the peppers.  All perfectly safe, nothing to see here, move along.  The pain has never returned since I changed to only Organic peppers

The food industry has great license to get away with all kinds of things.  Nutritional science has been a fraud for many decades.  Any group that can endorse ‘Enriched White Bread’ as healthy is totally corrupt. (it should have warning labels)  When we lived up in the Frigid North, the local radio station instructed the locals not to put out enriched white (or brown) bread crumbs for the birds.  The birds would fill up on those empty calories, sit on the wire over night and freeze to death.  But no nutritionist desiring to keep his job can ever mention that enriched elephant in the room.

In grade 12 I took an easy, beginners guys foods class and the dear old teacher loved putting wheat germ into most everything we baked.  This was the part of the grain that was refined out of the flours and was perishable and so she always kept it in the fridge.  For many years my Lovely Wife baked our own bread using Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour.  It was sure good for our kids and us.

Several years ago, a new local company named  Silver Hills , based out of Abbotsford, started selling Sprouted Grain breads.  These were made with totally non refined grains.  In fact, the grain had to be alive – it had to sprout before it was made into bread.  I was so thrilled to finally get store bought bread that was more than okay for you.  It was great for you.  The majority of their ingredients are Organic and they supply much of North America.

Why not sprouted Regular wheat instead of Organic?  About 6 years ago I’d read about some wheat farmers spraying glyphosate on their almost ripe grain.  This is the main ingredient in Roundup, the herbicide that kills most everything except GMO’d corn and other engineered things.  The glyphosate was classed as a ‘desiccant’ and deemed perfectly safe so the farmers were encouraged by our friends in Monsteranto to apply it to their wheat fields 10 days before harvest to ‘stop’ it, i.e. Kill it.  This facilitated the smaller, later, immature grain heads to dry and mature along with the main crop.  This couldn’t be happening!  

My Lovely Wife has four sisters and one of them married a Dirt Farmer way up in Fort St. John.  He was currently the crop insurance inspector and he would know if this activity was happening.  It is.  It turns out many chemicals are deemed safe if they pass through your system fast enough to avoid absorption.  As in “Just passing through. Nothing to see here. Move along.”  We now aim at only Organic flours and breads.

Recently I read of a strange commonality with brain disorder patients – was it Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s? – that many had experienced chronic constipation before getting their illness.  Hmmm.

Just a few years ago we were eating some summer store-bought potatoes.  We love them baked in our toaster oven.  These had skins that tasted bitter.  Later while driving past a Fraser Valley potato field in the Matsqui Flats, I noticed how the whole field’s tops had all died at the same time.  My spuds succumb unevenly so this was rather strange.  I talked to another brother-in-law (four sisters, remember) who lives nearby and he said they ‘knock down’ the tops with glyphosate for an easier harvest.  Ahhh!  Now we’ve progressed to buying only Organic potatoes when we run out of our own.

That same brother-in-law in Matsqui lives next to one of the many blueberry fields in the area.  He is astounded by all the sprays the neighbour puts on his berries.  In the Fraser Valley it’s rare to see a tractor pulling a cultivator, -- they’re almost always attached to sprayers.  One blueberry grower who also had a bit of U-pick on the side stated that they use no sprays,… except for a mildewcide --- that one is needed because the processor won’t accept anything without it.  

While walking through our daughter’s local supermarket in southern California, I noticed lovely blueberries in their little clear boxes with stickers on them stating they were from Pitt Meadows, B.C. --- just down the road from me.  At first, I was so proud.  They were in pristine condition and had travelled 1300 miles.  It must be the refrigeration?  Nawh.  We’ve now progressed to only picking Organic blueberries. (I can’t grow my own) 

Recently my Lovely Wife brought home some BC Okanagan Cherries.  They were lovely, large, plump, crisp, and sweet.  After downing a bunch I noticed that half of them had wounds or marks on them and I started to test if any of these had a bit of a rotten taste.  None of them did.  So, I chose the most deformed, deeply marked ones.  Not a single bit of rotten flavour.  Guess what had been sprayed on those cherries?  We now definitely need to Progress to only Organic cherries.

I used to have the ‘harmless’ vice of sunflower seeds in the shell.  I’d have some most evenings.  And my throat would get swollen.  These seeds never had any bug bites in them like some sunflower seeds used to.  Lack of bug damage was probably not a good sign.  And cracking a mouthful probably held more than just salt.

Changing over to Organics has been a Progression for us.  I hope I’m not too late. 

These are just some of the negative issues involving my change over to Organics.  (I guess I’m a glass half empty guy)  There are so many positive issues when consuming and growing Organics that hopefully will be put out in other posts.

Happy Gardening.


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